Georgia Tech

Men's Cross Country Recruiting Class of 2022*

  • Ethan Curnow 6
    3200m: 9:17 · 1600m: 4:19 · 5000m: 16:08
  • Miguel Schlicht 7
    5000m: 15:29 · 3200m: 9:15 · 1600m: 4:17
  • Zack Truitt 8
    1600m: 4:07 · 5000m: 15:02 · 800m: 1:53
  • Parker Buchheit 6
    800m: 1:54 · 400m: 48.70 · 200m: 22.66
* Based on our analysis. May not be representative of actual athletic scholarships or admission offers provided. Be sure to contact coaches for official information.