North Star
Cross Country and Track & Field Recruiting Standards* 2022-23
Event | Recruit | Walk On | Tryout |
5K XC | 17:03 | 18:12 | 18:52 |
3200m | 10:18 | 10:38 | 11:03 |
1600m | 4:46 | 4:57 | 5:09 |
800m | 2:03 | 2:10 | 2:15 |
400m | 51.64 | 53.34 | 55.82 |
300m H | 42.76 | 44.12 | 45.47 |
200m | 22.77 | 23.50 | 24.29 |
100m | 11.20 | 11.53 | 11.83 |
Long Jump | 21' 10" | 20' 5" | 19' 5" |
* estimated using performance data from current and recent teams
Event | Recruit | Walk On | Tryout |
5K XC | 20:16 | 21:45 | 23:05 |
3200m | 12:35 | 13:10 | 13:51 |
1600m | 5:37 | 5:50 | 6:07 |
800m | 2:28 | 2:36 | 2:44 |
400m | 1:03 | 1:06 | 1:09 |
300m H | 47.28 | 48.53 | 50.06 |
200m | 27.31 | 28.19 | 29.65 |
100m | 13.12 | 13.56 | 14.01 |
* estimated using performance data from current and recent teams